
full of adventure 2016-08-16

Author : Helen Paiba, Language : English, Studio : Macmillan Children's Book, Length : 224, Publisher : Macmillan Children's Book, Published on : 12-Jan-2001 . This book is full of adventure and mysteries and the most important thing is that it is full of suspense . It is good for childerns of 10 years . I liked this book .

- kunal

Adventure Stories 2016-08-22

Author : Helen Paiba, Language : English, Studio : Macmillan Children's Books, Length : 224, Publisher : Macmillan Children's Books, Published on : 12-Jan-2001 . It is a very adventures book and fulfilled with interest and at the same time it is fulfilled with suspense and good for the children who are the age of 10 years and i must say that you all should go and grab it .

- kunal