This is a 5-in-1 humorous book in the vast Amar Chitra Katha collection, consisting of Raman of Tenali, Raman the Matchless Wit, Birbal the Just, Birbal the Witty, and Gopal the Jester.
This book is written by Anant Pai, a great storyteller. The five stories in this book (as mentioned above), are books of strong wit, humour, and intelligence of the people on whom the books are written.
It is a must read!!
- Saumya
Tales of Humour: 5 in 12016-05-16
I enjoyed this book thoroughly along with my younger sister. This Amar Chitra Katha book has multiple small stories and all are very funny. These stories are based on Tenalirama, Birbal, Raman and other wise people of Ancient India. There's fun, wit and lots of learnings as well. I recommend it to all my colony and class friends.
This is a 5-in-1 humorous book in the vast Amar Chitra Katha collection, consisting of Raman of Tenali, Raman the Matchless Wit, Birbal the Just, Birbal the Witty, and Gopal the Jester. This book is written by Anant Pai, a great storyteller. The five stories in this book (as mentioned above), are books of strong wit, humour, and intelligence of the people on whom the books are written. It is a must read!!