
Mysterious 2015-12-22

This book is full of comics and various ghost stories and thus can be used by a ghost reader like people.. Fictional and a fantastic with fantasy.. Best book.. Tnis book is absolutely can be used by a person who is a lot intrested in gnost books.. Tricks and plays have been used as key input in this book.. Great book! Loved!

- Vasanth

Horror cum comic 2016-08-04

Did you know that the terrifying tale of Dracula was inspired by a man who drank his enemies' blood? That huge, scary monsters have been spotted on lonely mountaintops or that creatures with tentacles 18 metres long live beneath the ocean? Journey into the world of bloodsucking vampires, freaky phantoms and mysterious monsters, then pit your wits against the Clever Clogs brain-boggling monsters quiz.This book is such a comic and nice.

- Yashi

Horror 2016-11-24

This book is very much mysterious and when we talk about mystery we can not forget about Scooby-doo but talking about it this book is very spooky and scary you would like to read it but don't forget to read this book.this book has good graphics and is very good.

- Krrish