
Third Year at Malory Towers 2017-09-10

This book was fabulous and an amazing one.I enjoyed a lot reading it.Author of this book is an amazing writer.Enid Blyton is full of great ideas and has written number of books which were fabulous.Malory Towers is a series of books and this is third one.Malory Towers i.This school,Malory Towers,The school,Malory Towers has 4 towers that are 4 storeys high. The kitchen, dining hall and common rooms are on the ground floor, dormitories are on the first and second floors, teachers rooms and storage are on the top floor. The school forms a square with a courtyard in the middle. The sides of the school are 3 stories high. Between the west and the north towers there are the classrooms. Between the north and east towers is the San and the headmistresses rooms. Between the east and south towers are the entrance, gym, assembly hall, labs and art room. Between the south and west tower are the mistresses rooms.The school also has stables, tennis courts, sports pitches and an outside, natural swimming pool.It is a fantastic school.about life of boarding girls.In this book Bill and Clarissa becomes good friends and are horsemad.Darrell Rivers is now in the third form, and is returning to Malory Towers for the summer term. On the journey back, Darrell's father picks up a new girl from America who is living in England for a year. Darrell finds Zerelda Brass very strange and different from the other girls she knows; she seems much too grown-up for school at fifteen and has her hair made up very elaborately. Two other new girls arrive at Malory Towers in the third form. There is horse-mad Bill Robinson, whose real name is Wilhelmina, who is so attached to her fierce horse Thunder that she daydreams in lessons. There is also the conceited Mavis, who was new the term before, and never tires of telling everyone what a wonderful opera-singer she would be because of her wonderful singing voice. This book has amazing turns and is thrilled and interesting.I felt to read this book again and again as it was a good one.I would suggest this book to my fellow mates.

- Siya


Darrell is on the way to Malory Towers once again. She finds out that Sally Hope, her best friend is in quarantine for mumps and will not be able to come to school for a short time. On the way they pick up a new girl, Zerelda Brass, who is fifteen and a half and from the USA. Once they arrive, they see Gwendolyn making a Fond Farewell with her mother and governess. When Gwendolyn sees Zerelda, she immediately loses her heart to her. Alicia notices it and points it out to Darrell. It is then revealed that not only is Zerelda in North Tower but in the fourth form. A few days later, the final new girl arrives: Bill Robinson. Bill is short for Wilhelmina, who in turn has truckloads of horses and seven brothers. She arrives with the brothers and her horse. The brothers and their horses leave leaving Bill to take her horse, Thunder, to the stables. A few weeks later, Zerelda is demoted to the third form because her standard is lower than the fourth form’s requirement. Darrell becomes a reserve for one of the Malory Towers lacrosse teams. When Zerelda tries to rehearse for the third form play, “Romeo & Juliet” and is caught throwing a book at a former classmate, she is scolded by Matron. Later, drama teacher Ms Hibbert tells her she is unable to act. A few weeks later, Thunder (Bill’s horse) suffers from colic while Darrell and Bill work all night in the rain to stop him lying down and Ms Peters rides for miles in the pouring rain to get the vet and saves the life of aspiring opera singer Mavis Allyson who loses her voice as a consequence. Later, Mavis befriends Zerelda. Ms Peters saves the day and she and Bill become very close friends. The end of term comes and the girls can't wait to see their parents again.

- aarya